SENIORS division

Babe Ruth Baseball was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wish to continue their baseball playing experience beyond the age of 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90′ diamonds under Official Baseball Rules used by Major League Baseball. Pioneer teams will play against each other, in addition to other 90′ programs from neighboring Babe Ruth organizations.


> $185 (Early Bird Registration Fee), $195 (Regular Registration Fee) per season
> Registration for each season begins a couple of months prior to season start
> For scholarship information, click here →


> Practices & games
> Uniform: team hat and team jersey

> House ball community equipment

> Field maintenance
> County fees
> Insurance

> Administrative support


> 10-12; waitlist after #


> Seniors play in the spring and fall seasons
> Games and practices (1-2x a week)

> Spring season begins mid-March until the first week of June
> Fall season begins mid-August until the first week of November


> Players should expect 1 fielding practice and 1 batting practice during the week
> Practices typically last about 90-120 minutes
> Practice nights and times are based on the assigned coach’s preference/availability


> Games are on Wednesday/Thursday and Saturdays and last about 2 1/2 hours
> Game schedule will be finalized and released after teams have been formed

game format

> Games are on Saturdays and some weeknights
> Games are either 7 innings or max 2 hours and 30 minutes, whichever comes first
> MLB rules apply

home field

> Clermont Park (see map here)
> Set for Major League Baseball (MLB) dimensions: 90-ft base paths and 60-ft, 6-in pitching distance


> Each player is provided with a team hat and
a team jersey
> Metal cleats are allowed
> Players will need their own pair of gray baseball pants


> Each player will need a batting helmet, a glove, and a USA Baseball- or BBCOR .50-labeled bat. Bats may have a barrel of up to 2 5/8″
> Each team will have a set of team catcher’s gear for those playing catcher, but personal catcher’s gear is allowed as well
> The league provides a couple of bats and helmets for the team to borrow and use throughout the season


> If you have a night for practice that does not work, would like to play with a particular friend or coach, or your child has a special need, please let us know during registration. Once teams go out, player placements are final.


> After registration has closed, teams will be formed based on school affiliations and requests. We try to accommodate player requests for coaches and friends as often as possible.


> Rick Jandrain


> $185 (Early Bird Registration Fee), $195 (Regular Registration Fee) per season
> Registration for each season begins a couple of months prior to season start
> For scholarship information, click here →


> Uniform: team hat and team jersey
> House ball community equipment

> Field maintenance
> County fees
> Insurance

> Administrative support


> 10-12; waitlist after #


> Seniors play in the spring and fall seasons
> Spring season begins mid-March until the first week of June
> Fall season begins mid-August until the first week of November


> Players should expect 1 fielding practice and 1 batting practice during the week
> Practices typically last about 90-120 minutes
> Practice nights and times are based on the assigned coach’s preference/availability


> Games are on Saturdays and last about 2 1/2 hours
> Game schedule will be finalized and released after teams have been formed

game format

> Games are on Saturdays and some weeknights
> Games are either 7 innings or max 2 hours and 30 minutes, whichever comes first
> MLB rules apply

home field

> Clermont Park (see map here)
> Set for Major League Baseball (MLB) dimensions: 90-ft base paths and 60-ft, 6-in pitching distance


> Each player is provided with a team hat and
a team jersey
> Metal cleats are allowed
> Players will need their own pair of gray baseball pants


> Each player will need a batting helmet, a glove, and a USA Baseball- or BBCOR .50-labeled bat. Bats may have a barrel of up to 2 5/8″
> Each team will have a set of team catcher’s gear for those playing catcher, but personal catcher’s gear is allowed as well
> The league provides a couple of bats and helmets for the team to borrow and use throughout the season


> If you have a night for practice that does not work, would like to play with a particular friend or coach, or your child has a special need, please let us know during registration. Once teams go out, player placements are final.


> After registration has closed, teams will be formed based on school affiliations and requests. We try to accommodate player requests for coaches and friends as often as possible.


> Rick Jandrain